Wednesday, February 24, 2010

My Place in the Order

So, I recently realized that I belong to a very special class of people.  The Lower Middle People.  Lower middle management.  Lower middle class.  If you were to ask a woman how attractive I am on a scale from 1 to 10, she would probably be generous and answer "4".

There you have it.  I am underprivileged, underpaid and under appreciated.  Balance that with the following.  I fall into a lower tax bracket, can easily get a new job (entry level) and I qualify for loan assistance.

That puts me just below the middle.  This is the reason that I scour for coupons, coupon codes, eBay deals and buy most of my clothing in the "Clearance" or "Damaged" sections.  Its not all bad.  I seem to float along happily while others struggle.

Some clever budgeting, frugality and a little side work provide me with a modest but comfortable lifestyle.  Where do you fit in?  How do you get by?  I do as much as I can for myself, and look for hacks and tips to stretch the lifespan of my out dated crap.

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