Friday, March 12, 2010

Tablet Wars of 2010

I'm sure by next year we will see a YouTube video with text rolling off into deep space, chronicling the details of the 2010 Tablet Wars.  Until then we all hold our breath and scour the web trying to figure out who will win our hearts and our finger tips.  Fortunately, or not, there will be many sizes, OSes and feature lists to choose from.

I loved the iPad when I first saw it.  (Learn more here via Apple)  That type of thinking WILL change the way consumers use computers.  We are living in the information age, and now that means entertainment age.  We don't have to go home to our televisions to be entertained any longer.  Digital entertainment is beaming all around us.  We need but a portal unto its realm.

That is the reason tablets are back.  Last time it was about business mobility, or at least it was from the best I could tell.  This time its about convenience, and that sells like hotcakes.  That in mind, we have many apt contenders.  They all want to handle our mobile information and entertainment needs for us.  I will certainly choose one; I'm tired of burn marks on my legs from watching Magnum PI on my laptop.

Personally, I think its going to be an Android tablet for me.  I like the open nature.  The possibility of upgrades and changes.  I like the sound of Notion Ink's Adam.  (Learn more here via Gizmodo)  The iPad is sweet, but very limited and controlled by Apple.  I have the need to tinker.  Android it is.  My classic Xbox is now a media center using XBMC.  I use a cell phone as an alarm clock for many reasons.  Who knows what I will turn my tablet into when I get tired of it, which is inevitable.  Android will certainly give me options.

What do you think?

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