Friday, May 21, 2010

Broke again...

I am broke again.  Flat busted!  I am sure that is a common thing today.  But we were doing very well with savings until last week.  My wife got an offer to settle a collection that she couldn't refuse.  Yeah, we've had collections, big ones.  But we are now debt free.

I guess we are probably way ahead of most people in that respect.  We have another year on our car loan and we have a mortgage, but that is all.  Next summer we will really be doing well.  I hope nothing major comes up between now and then.  I used to spend like it was going out of style.  After years of debt elimination I want to be a saver.

I am tired of paying interest on everything I buy.  If you get into that cycle, the things you buy wear out and need to be replaced before they are even paid for.  No thanks!  Cash only from here on out.

If I can pull that off I will feel wealthy, even if I'm not.  Just having resources will be a great comfort.

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